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Buddhism vector illustration of a female arahant monk or female holy monk is meditating in front of the mystery buddha statue that is covered with dense plants in the mysterious forest. Buddhism vector illustration of a holy monk who has attained the highest enlightenment is meditating and giving dharma to devas in the deep forest. Buddhism vector illustration of a male monk and female monk are walking in an opposite direction, but towards the same destination is Nirvana. Buddhism vector illustration of a buddha statue in sitting position on the peak of the mountain with the beautiful sunlight is shining up from the right in the morning Buddhism vector illustration of a buddha statue in sitting position on the peak of the mountain with the beautiful sunlight is shining up from the right in the morning. vector illustration of a man who lives in the outback area with a simple life is giving alms to a monk with his great faith Buddhism vector illustration of a hero and heroine is on their way ahead to a sacred legendary city A Buddhism vector illustration of a young woman is meditating on the top of a mountain where she is facing another mountain where the buddha statue in sitting position on the peak of the mountain. The scientific vector illustration of the society in the future of an interracial couple that the husband is a human with an alien wife, living a simple life in a rural area, is giving alms to a monk with their great faith Buddhism vector illustration of a golden-walking Buddha statue or Leela-posed Buddha on the peak of the mountains. Buddhism vector illustration of a couple riding a bicycle to practice dhamma at the temple in the morning on the Buddha day Buddhism vector illustration of a buddhist old man is offering alms to monks and practicing dhamma at a Thai temple with great faith in the belief that this merit will lead him to be born as a deva in heaven Buddhism vector illustration of mother and daughter rowed their boat to offer foods to a monk in the beautiful morning. Buddhism vector illustration of a grandma has come to the temple to offer food to monks, keep precepts, and practice dharma with great faith, she is sitting right next to the mirror which reflects herself as a beautiful deva, it is her being after she has died in this human life. Buddhism vector illustration of an arahant monk or holy monk is meditating in front of the mystery buddha statue that is covered with dense plants in the mysterious forest. Buddhism vector illustration of auntie is guiding her granddaughter to gild the gold leaf on buddha statue and teaching her about ancient Thai idiom of gilding behind the Buddha statue. A Buddhism vector illustration of a young woman is meditating on the top of a mountain where she is facing another mountain where the buddha statue in sitting position on the peak of the mountain. Science fiction vector illustration of a lady standing on the peak looking at vast mountain scenery viewable of habitable planet in the sky, on an unknown planet. Science fiction vector illustration of a family is traveling in a desert for their pilgrimage with a view on the background of a futuristic massive structure in the orbit. Science fiction vector illustration of 2 children are riding a hover scooter carrying their crops on the trailer back to home with the background of a futuristic massive structure in the sky. Science fiction vector illustration of a spaceship is flying from an unknown planet in the universe with the background of a nebula and a giant gas planet Science fiction vector illustration of an alien planet above the sea of clouds with the vast view of massive planets in the background. Science fiction vector illustration of a beautiful lady standing and looking to the spacecraft is landing on the futuristic structure on an alien planet. Science vector illustration of a female astronaut is looking further away with determination eyes with a reflection of the universe on her helmet visor. vector illustration of cumulonimbus clouds on the bright blue sky vector illustration of cumulus clouds on the bright blue sky vector illustration of stratocumulus clouds on the bright blue sky vector illustration of anime clouds on the bright blue sky vector illustration of cumulonimbus clouds on the bright blue sky Vector illustration of 3 tourists are attending the paper craft workshop in a bamboo pavilion at a farm stay Vector illustration of a young couple climbing the cliff together with a background of the beautiful scenery of sea estuary and the sun rising Minimal vector illustration of a businessman with an architecture  on Mars vector illustration of the abstract artistic flower on the dark background vector illustration of the abstract artistic flower on the dark background vector illustration in an anime style of young Japanese students relax together at the harbor in the evening vector illustration in an anime style of a Japanese girl student rides a bicycle on a road in the countryside vector illustration of the silhouette of a Japanese girl student standing on the road in the countryside in the evening vector illustration of a beautiful lady is jogging or running together with her love one vector illustration of the couple running together Vector illustration of the lady photographer is taking a photo of the beautiful sunset and the farther man is stealing her glance A vector illustration of a beautiful lady steal a glance at the male photographer through the glass window from inside the cafe Futuristic vector illustration of the beautiful lady swimming in the pool with her dog. Futuristic vector illustration featuring the far future era of the family helping each other to build the earth house that has the flying futuristic city in the background. Vector illustration of the woman astronaut goes for a mission in the universe, she fell into the black hole then got trapped in the time dimensions and try to contact her husband on earth with love Vector Illustration featuring a couple having time together in a gondola boat at night with the massive futuristic structure that orbiting around the earth in space at the background Futuristic vector illustration featuring mankind in the future are enjoying the campfire inside the massive habitat on another planet somewhere in the universe. Vector illustration of a couple doing yoga together in eka pada bakasana pose or crane pose on the rocky seashore under the blue sky Vector illustration of a beautiful lady doing yoga in garudasana pose or the eagle pose at the seashore with the sunrise in the morning Vector illustration of 2 western tourists or digital nomads relied on one villager's pickup traveling on the mountains in southeast Asian country.  A vector illustration of the couple on the bed in the earth house with mountain scenery at outside